The Largest Acquirer of Corporate Environmental Liabilities in North America

Providing Clients a Comprehensive & Sustainable Transference of Environmental Liabilities


Environmental Liability Transfer, Inc. (ELT) is a comprehensive environmental liability assumption firm providing clients with complete and final liability transference services since 2004. With strong financial backing and a unique blend of expertise – real estate development, environmental underwriting, legal, insurance, and sustainability – ELT is able to provide clients with world-class levels of indemnification and environmental guarantees found nowhere else in the market.


ELT Core Offering Include: 

  • Environmental Liability Transfers
  • Brownfield Real Estate Purchase
  • Liability Transfer + RE Purchase
  • Guaranteed Cost Certainty
  • Corporate Indemnification

  • Maximum Value for Retired Assets
  • Transfer of Regulatory Obligations
  • Transfer of Post-Closure Obligations
  • Sustainable Redevelopment Planning
  • Preservation of Legacy & Brand


ELT assumes all environmental liabilities for its clients – known and unknown, above grade, at grade, below grade, onsite, offsite (originating onsite and naturally migrating offsite) whether the issues occurred or were caused to occur in the past, present or future.  By signing applicable regulatory orders, ELT is able to indemnify from and against potential future regulatory reopeners.



ELT possesses the unique ability to acquire both contractual and statutory liability while providing insured finite capital solutions for highly variable environmental concerns.  In addition to fee based environmental liability transference, ELT actively purchases commercial and/or industrial facilities, portfolios, and land sites throughout North America. In doing so, ELT’s clients often discover that their environmental liabilities can be transferred while receiving a net payment return.



ELT’s liability and asset evaluation process addresses all aspects of a proposed transaction including the qualification and quantification of known and unknown environmental conditions, both onsite and offsite, real estate attributes, suitable risk management strategies, real estate development and/or redevelopment potential and future exit strategies, if applicable. ELT has continually refined its proprietary evaluation process and is positioned intellectually and financially to pursue multiple transactions quickly and cost efficiently.



As it pertains to Brownfield and Superfund sites, effective management of environmental and financial risk is essential. ELT evaluates the property condition, the potential transaction structure and the liability concerns of both itself and its client. Risk management factors include the selection of remedy, assumption of regulatory requirements, legal structure, insurance, and indemnification. This innovative and proven approach has effectively limited environmental risk to a highly-efficient, cost-effective vehicle for environmental liability transfer.




Robust & Perpetual Corporate Indemnification: ELT affords the maximum allowable release and insulation from future liability with complete indemnification of the Seller.


Guaranteed Cost Certainty: ELT provides a fixed-cost solution for environmental obligations and uncertainties.


Elimination of Compliance Issues: ELT assumes all regulatory compliance obligations, freeing up manpower and capital.


Elimination of Regulatory Reopeners: ELT assumes all environmental liabilities regardless of whether regulations change ensuring that environmental liabilities never revert back to the Seller/Transferer.


Financial & Economic Considerations: Liability transference allows the Seller to report to stakeholders a financially more stable and liability free balance sheet.


Human Capital Relief: Transferring environmental liabilities allows the Seller to focus on their core business and not be hindered with managing a cleanup project that exhausts time, energy and additional expenses.


Sustainability Benefits: Following remediation, the site will be repurposed for its highest and best use, in line with any guidance set forth by the Seller. Brownfield remediation preserves the legacy and brand of the Seller when they cease operations, and provides ancillary benefits to the local community, such as job creation.


Sale-Leaseback Options: To maintain operations, ELT will purchase environmentally contaminated assets, assume the environmental liabilities, and leaseback the facilities to the seller. By combining the value of the real estate with the value of the lease, these transactions typically result in a positive net gain for the seller.

Currently Seeking to Assume Environmental Liabilities and/or Purchase Retired Assets in All Industrial & Energy Sectors.

Contact ELT

If environmental liabilities are impacting your operations, transactions, or balance sheet, please contact us for a confidential discussion.