Largest Acquirer of Corporate Environmental Liabilities in North America

Environmental Liability Transfer, Inc. (ELT) is a comprehensive environmental liability assumption firm providing clients with complete and final liability transference services since 2004. With strong financial backing and a unique blend of expertise – real estate development, environmental underwriting, legal, insurance, and sustainability – ELT is able to provide clients with robust levels of indemnification and environmental guarantees found nowhere else in the market.

Core Offering Includes:

  • Environmental Liability Transfers
  • Brownfield Real Estate Purchase
  • Liability Transfer + RE Purchase
  • Guaranteed Cost Certainty
  • Corporate Indemnification

  • Maximum Value for Retired Assets
  • Transfer of Regulatory Obligations
  • Transfer of Post-Closure Obligations
  • Sustainable Redevelopment Planning
  • Preservation of Legacy & Brand

ELT is Currently Seeking to Assume Environmental Liabilities and/or Purchase Retired Assets in All Industrial & Energy Sectors.

If environmental liabilities are impacting your operations, transactions, or balance sheet, please contact us for a confidential discussion. Contact ELT »


ELT Footprint: Since our inception, ELT has assumed over $1.5 billion USD in corporate environmental liabilities, managed the environmental cleanup of over 300 brownfield properties (88% have reached final milestones), and has never defaulted on an obligation or given a site back to the Seller/Transfer. 

Catalyst for Sustainable Redevelopment

A Brownfield property will remain in a perpetual state of decay until engaged by an outside catalyst. ELT has a strategic ability to fast-track environmental cleanup and reposition distressed sites for new and sustainable reuse.

Power Plant Retirement Program

The reality of power plant decommissioning is that budget forecasts seldom align with actual costs – ELT’s power plant program is designed to lower cost of closure, maximize the value of retired assets, and eliminate exposure to environmental liabilities.

M&A and Private Equity Services

ELT bridges the gap between interested parties by contractually assuming unwanted environmental liabilities during M&As and other strategic transactions, allowing distressed deals to progress to closure.